miércoles, 30 de junio de 2021

Post 8: English Language Challenges

My experience learning English at the university has both positive and negative aspects, since, on the one hand, I think that the professors I have had have been good at teaching, besides having good methods such as blogs, but, on the other hand, I have to admit that it has been very difficult for me to interact and, therefore, to participate in classes, mainly because I feel very embarrassed and anxious when speaking in English in front of my classmates and the professor. This makes me mentally blocked and I am not able to answer the questions properly, it is as if everything I know vanished for a moment.
So, according to what I commented above, the balance of my experience, in general, is quite neutral, especially if I consider that in the present context I have not felt that I learn the contents and this is something transversal, not only concerning English.
On the other hand, I think my biggest shortcoming in English is everything related to oral communication, that is, speaking and listening in English. I mean that I can perfectly understand the great part of questions that are presented to me in text, but I do not find it the same when listening or speaking it is the opposite, I understand almost nothing in listening and when speaking my pronunciation is quite bad and it is difficult for me to string sentences together at the moment, in this sense (speaking) I can improve when it is something prepared.
To improve this, the teacher has recommended I listen to more songs in English and watch series in English.
Finally, outside of class I hardly ever use English, and the very few times I do use it, it's only in some specific video game situations.

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Post 8: English Language Challenges

My experience learning English at the university has both positive and negative aspects, since, on the one hand, I think that the professors...