miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2020

My autobiography

Damián Alexander Villarroel Grê was born in Santiago, Chile, on May 5, 2000. In terms of education, he studied in Santa Juliana Lyceum from elementary education to secondary education. After that, he studied for one year in pre-university Pedro de Valdivia, in Recoleta. Then, in 2020 he entered Universidad de Chile, the first year of Psychology.

Damián has also worked on different things. He worked running errands for an accounting firm, has also worked administratively in his father's company, and also with him, has sold beer at summer events. At the beginning of 2020, Damián worked at the Paris multistore

In actually, Damián lives in Conchalí with her parents and young sister, but before that, he lived in Independencia, also with her family, although first of all, he lived in Recoleta with her grandparents, aunts and mother.

Since November 2019, Damián has a girlfriend. He spends most of his free time with her. He is someone who enjoys a lot when he doesn't have a single responsibility pending. He plays a lot on his Play Station and also likes to spend time on soccer, both playing and watching it. He is a fan of the Universidad de Chile club.

Photo of Damián and his girlfriend

1 comentario:

Post 8: English Language Challenges

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