lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2020

Post 5


The story behind the photo is quite profound. That day was when my parents came home with Tyson, my dog, which is the same one in the photo. Two weeks earlier my previous dog, Charlie, had passed away. 
My little sister felt overtaken by the arrival of a new pet as she was still grieving over Charlie's death. For my part, I took Tyson in without any problems. 
That day there was a mixture of emotions; a new puppy (Tyson arrived with barely 2 months of life) made it inevitable to remember Charlie and relive the pain of his departure, but at the same time he arrived as a small and tender light that illuminated our home with love and mischief (in fact, in the photo Tyson is lying on the grass of my patio, the same that later had to be replaced with synthetic grass because he made holes and destroyed it in the form of a game).
When we welcomed him, we immediately noticed that Tyson was quite good at sleeping and drinking water. Interestingly, he maintains those characteristics to this day, at a little over two years old.  
He is a very tender and affectionate German Shepherd. In my house, we all give him a lot of love and when visitors come they are usually surprised by his great size. One of his favorite visitors is my girlfriend. Tyson loves it when she comes home. He goes crazy when he sees her and starts jumping up and down to kiss her. Also, whenever she comes, we take him out for a walk, so he associates his visit with going out in the street.

This is Tyson today

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020

Post 4

 Hi! In this free topic presentation, I will talk about Tom Clancy's R6, the video game. I chose this topic because I have always been linked to the world of consoles, so video games are something I always have in mind. Tom Clancy's R6 is a title available for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. It is a first-person shooter that seeks the confrontation of two teams, each composed of five players. The teams rotate between attack and defense, being the "cops" and "terrorists" respectively. The game consists of an offline mode for training and other online modes, among which the multiplayer mode by ranks and the casual mode stand out. This last one is to have fun and to pass the time, while the games by rank become extremely competitive. Personally, I never play casual games because I like to play competitively, in fact, I have participated in tournaments and several amateur teams have wanted to have me among their players. I play on PlayStation. 

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2020

Post 3 - My favorite piece of technology

 Hello! My favorite piece of technology is the PlayStation. I have this console for many years and I renew it when the new version comes out. I have played from first to the fourth, that is to say, the last. The way to use it is through control of two levers and several buttons, with it you can play on the console and even visit Youtube, Netflix, or surf the web. The truth is that I use the console little time compared to what  I would like, once or twice a week and for a short time in each use, this for having other things to do. I like to use it because I'm very passionate about video games, especially those that are online because that is how I feel the competition with other people. My life without PlayStation would probably be a bit boring because I wouldn't have one of my favorite hobbies.

Post 8: English Language Challenges

My experience learning English at the university has both positive and negative aspects, since, on the one hand, I think that the professors...