jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2020

Post 6

I believe that the career of psychology is a difficult path because the study it entails becomes very heavy, besides in many cases what happened to me must happen: at the beginning, my parents were opposed to me studying this because they wanted me to choose a career where I would earn more money, they also said that my abilities were to study something much more complicated (as if psychology were easy) and sometimes these things can discourage the student. Fortunately, this did not happen to me. 

On the other hand, I think that this career is undervalued due to the little importance given to mental health in Chile today. A psychologist can be a great help in a person's life, can even be that much-needed salvation, the hand you hold when you need to get out of a hole and you don't know-how. 

Finally, as it also happens in other careers, the professional life is quite sacrificed for a psychologist because he or she is constantly internalizing problems, and many times it becomes impossible that these do not affect him or her, having to attend therapy. As one professor said last semester, "there are psychologists of psychologists". 

5 comentarios:

  1. psychology is quite complicated and is not given the value it deserves

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. The work that psychologists do is incredible, and frankly in our country it is very necessary, mental health in our society has been greatly undervalued.

  4. I've never really been interested in psychology, because of bad experiences I've had with psychology specialists

  5. Unfortunately in Chile mental health is not taken into account, hopefully this will change ♡


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