martes, 15 de junio de 2021

Post 6: Postgraduate Studies

I would like to do a postgraduate course in the future, but the truth is that I haven't search out anything about it. The decision I make will be based on the interests that I will develop in these remaining years of my career. 

Beyond the above, there are several reasons why I would like to take a postgraduate course. First of all, I have always heard that there are many psychologists, so having a postgraduate course is almost necessary if you do not want to run the risk of unemployment. Likewise, I believe that a postgraduate course would help me to specialize and focus much more in a certain area, which would allow me to be more capable and useful to my patients. On the other hand, I have also heard that the salary increases significantly by having a postgraduate course, which is always welcome because money is what keeps us going.

I would like to study the postgraduate course in Chile, although this is a thought of the moment and maybe it will change in the future. I prefer to do it right here in the country for comfort. The modality I would choose would be (as far as possible) absolutely face-to-face because the online study does not suit me at all. As I said, this decision is within what is possible, because I might have to choose a mixed modality due to my time or other variables.

As a last important idea, I would like to point out my idea of taking a postgraduate course once I finish paying for my first degree and do not fall into a double indebtedness.

1 comentario:

  1. The same happens to me!! I'm not pretty sure what postgraduate course I would like to take... but your idea sound niceee


Post 8: English Language Challenges

My experience learning English at the university has both positive and negative aspects, since, on the one hand, I think that the professors...