martes, 27 de abril de 2021

Post 3: Mental health problems related to a lockdown

 I think a general problem we have all faced in the pandemic is that we have felt deprived of the freedom we were used to. Personally, I have felt very stressed and have evidenced how the traits of my anxiety have become more present. Being locked up has taken away a lot of the things I used to do, like going to the stadium to watch "la U", playing soccer with my friends, or going quietly to my girlfriend's house.

In addition, studying in this context has become overwhelming. In the second half of 2020, I was diagnosed with depression and, although I got better at one point, I am currently feeling just as bad. Because of all this, I believe that the pandemic has come to teach us that there are a lot of issues that are assumed to be common when in truth they can be seen as a privilege.  At the moment, to cope better with the pandemic, I distract myself by playing video games and seeing my girlfriend when it is possible. 

Finally, my plan for when this is all over is to do a lot of things I enjoy, and one of the first will be going to the cinema. 

Los de Abajo in 2019, when it was possible to go to the stadium

9 comentarios:

  1. I feel similar to you, and I wish that you can feel better, pandemic has been terrible, and I expect that this over soon and we can do the things that we like.

  2. it really is a complicated thing, I understand you, like you I hope to go to the movies soon!

  3. Hello Damian, I think the pandemic has affected us a lot emotionally. I hope it passes soon

  4. Hi, I understand very well what you are going through :(
    hope things get better for you

  5. thelockdown is the worst i want my life back too

  6. I also miss going to the stadium a lot :,( but I try to think that when you can go back, it will be better than ever!

  7. Hi Damian, it complicated the situation, I hope that little by little you will feel better:(

  8. I hope we can all get out of this whole situation soon. take care Damian, Regards!

  9. Good work. At the end of the second paragraph, you should say, at the moment I'm coping.....


Post 8: English Language Challenges

My experience learning English at the university has both positive and negative aspects, since, on the one hand, I think that the professors...